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The top priority is helping those most in need : people who, without external support, have no prospect of improving their situation.

Aid can cover basic needs (food, medication) or allow access to a certain autonomy (seeds, livestock, tools).

Subsequently, we wish to encourage and support local initiatives that can improve the living conditions in the area.

One important rule is to make the best possible use of the collected funds, by correctly identifying the needs and favouring sustainable solutions.

With the ongoing war situation making it rather tricky to go there and complicating all communications, the first mission of our organization the first mission of our organization is to set up local relays through our acquaintances and friends : Viera and Vassia, our first hosts, Tola, music teacher, Valera, jack of all trades and guide, Raïssa, mayor of Levkovitchi, Tatiana, prefect of Ivankiv, Rosa, head of the Naroditchi laboratory...

Efficiency being a major concern, the organization won't refrain from working with more experienced entities operating on the same territory.

The purpose of the organization isn't collecting food, equipment or medicine, but money, which can be transferred and transformed according to local needs.

The organization plans to fund its activities through a variety of artistic events: concerts and online performances, exhibitions and the selling of artworks (photographic prints, CDs).

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