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The Chernobyl nuclear accident is part of the Ukrainian dramatic continuum and its peaks of intensity:

  • 1917 Soviet revolution
  • 1932 Organized starvation (Holodomor)
  • 1937 Stalinist purges
  • 1939 German-Soviet annexation
  • 1941 German invasion
  • 1945 Guerrilla warfare against the USSR until 1954
  • 1986 Chernobyl accident
  • 1991 Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • 2004 Orange revolution
  • 2013 Maïdan revolution
  • 2014 Annexation of Crimea by Russia
  • 2022 Russian invasion

Through its economic role in the collapse of the USSR, the Chernobyl accident is one of the key points in the modern history of Ukraine.

Carte des langues d'UkrainePar Semoziade — Travail personnel, CC BY-SA 4.0,


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